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Our Approach


The Enneagram is a model of human psychology that is based on the idea that each person has a unique and innate personality structure, or "essence," that shapes the way they see the world and themselves. It is composed of nine different types or personality structures. These Types are characterized by a unique combination of strengths, weaknesses, unconscious motivations, fears, and triggers that shape their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

We use the enneagram not as a way to “type” leaders or put them in a box, but as a way to become more self-aware and expand out of the box. It offers deep insight into core driving motivations and offers a rich path for transformation. When leaders integrate and develop beyond the personality structure, they gain access to the gifts and qualities of the other types. It is a powerful tool for growth, self-awareness, self-discovery and spiritual growth. It can help individuals understand their own motivations and behaviours, as well as the motivations and behaviours of others, which can lead to more harmonious relationships, better communication, and more effective problem-solving.

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The enneagram is used both for individual leadership development, enhancing team performance as well as organizational development and culture change.

We partner with Integrative Enneagram Solutions to provide an Intelligent Questionnaire technology to complete your initial enneagram profile. Following this, we do a deeper dive so you can more fully “land in” and choose your type based on your own lived experience.

Click this link for a more detailed description of the Enneagram.

Let’s connect to discuss what the next steps might be for you or your team.

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